How to Get Organized: 20 Simple Ways To Organize Your Life

How to Get Organized: 20 Simple Ways To Organize Your Life

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How to Get Organized: 20 Simple Ways To Organize Your Life

I am naturally a very organized person. I need to have all of my things put in designated places.

It eliminates unnecessary stress and I can find whatever I’m looking for so much faster than if my things were scattered all over the place.

My clothes in my closet are organized by season, color, sleeve length and casual/work. I am a bit obsessed with organizing. I like knowing exactly where something is when I need it instead of wasting time and energy looking for the item.

If you’ve been looking for ways to organize your life, please read on.

1. Write Everything Down

One of the best ways to be better organized is to write everything down. Most of us are not able to remember everything, we have a lot going on in our everyday life. Planning a trip to the grocery store, make a list of everything you need, this will save you time in the store and you will not forget anything. Have appointments, write down the time and place so you can keep track of where you need to be. Download this free daily planner to help remember your tasks.

Tip – Make your to-do list either the night before or first thing in the morning.

2. Make A Schedule And Stick To It

Have a plan of what you need to get done each day and check them off of your to do list. You will feel accomplished as your list gets smaller and smaller. Keeping a schedule will keep you organized and productive.

3. Make Your Bed As Soon As You Wake Up

Your first task of the day is to make your bed. Once it is made, you will have already accomplished your first task of the day!

4. Plan Your Outfit The Night Before

This one is a life saver, I have been doing this since high school. Every night pick out your entire outfit for the next day, clothes, shoes and accessories. It saves you time in the morning from staring into your closet wondering what you should wear and wasting valuable time. Once you get in the habit of planning out your outfit, you will be hooked.

5. Prep Your Day The Night Before

Besides planning your outfit the night before, there are other things you can do to make your mornings go smoother.

Make your lunch, if you have children, make their lunches while you are making yours, this will save a few minutes in the morning. Set the coffee pot to go off by the time you get up in the morning. Prep your breakfast the night before so it is ready to go.

Shower before bed, this will not only save you time in the morning, it will relax you and help you fall asleep faster.

6. Don’t Procrastinate

We all have tasks we don’t want to do, but the longer we put them off, the harder it will be to get them accomplished. Procrastination is one of the worst habits to have when it comes to staying organized.

7. Clean Out Your Purse

If you are like most of us, we tend to throw everything into our purses. Then when we are looking for something, we of course can’t find the item we need or it takes a long time to find it. Get in the habit of cleaning out your purse once a week. You will be more organized and it will help you find things so much easier.

8. Clean Out Your Wallet

Organizing your wallet is one of the quickest and easiest organizing projects to tackle. If your wallet is full of receipts and other items you do not need anymore, get rid of them.

9. Spot Cleaning

This is another easy one and will save time and energy in the future.

Instead of waiting for your house to get dirty and then having to spend hours cleaning it, you can do spot cleaning for a few minutes every couple of hours. 

This is especially easy if you are working from home.  You can give your eyes a break from staring at the computer and take a few minutes to do some dusting.  On your next break, try some vacuuming.  Every little bit helps.

10. Meal Prep

Meal prepping is a great way to save time during the week. Pick a day that works best and make a few meals for the week. Once they are made, you can refrigerate or freeze them and you will have your meals ready for the week.

11. Everyday Items

Designate a space in your entryway to keep your everyday items, such as your keys, phone, purse and other accessories. This way when you come home, you place them in the same location and you will not be looking for them on your way out the door. If you do not have a table near your door, you can get a small wall hook rack to hold your items.

12. Find A Home For Everything

Once you are organized you do not want to fall back into old habits. If you take something out to use it, make sure to put it back in it’s place as soon as you are done using it. When you go grocery shopping, you put all of your items you just purchased away, so take that thinking and apply it to everything you use throughout the day.

13. Set A Laundry Day Every Week

Setting a day a week will keep you on a schedule. Do all of your laundry on that one day, clothes, bedding, any other items, this way you do not have to worry about it during the week.

14. Organize Your Closet

Remember when I said at the beginning of this post that I have my clothes organized by season, well keeping your closet organized is a major way to help get yourself organized.

You do not have to go to the extreme that I do, but it is a good idea to go through your closet at least once a season and declutter. Remove clothes you no longer wear each season and donate or toss them. You will have more room in your closet and you can put your clothes in some sort of order that works best for you.

You can try putting all of your work clothes in one section, all of your workout clothes in another, all of your casual clothes in another.

15. Declutter Your Computer Files

Take some time and go through all of the files you have on your computer and delete the ones you no longer need. With the ones you do need, you can make file folders and place all of the documents in the proper folder, or store them on the cloud or a removable hard drive. Having excess files on your computer will slow it down, but once you remove the, you will be amazed at how much faster it becomes.

16. Clean Out Your Inbox

If you have subscribe to a bunch of newsletters, blogs and other online publications, but haven’t read a single email from them, it’s time to unsubscribe. Your inbox will be cleaner and you won’t feel overwhelmed every time you open your email.

17. Create A List Of Your Passwords

We need a password for almost everything we use in our daily lives. It is not safe to use the same password for everything, but trying to remember many different passwords is not easy. Use an app or a notepad that you can access safely to keep all of your passwords in one place.

18. Declutter Your Phone

Go through you phone and delete apps you never use and either delete pictures you no longer need or back them up to the cloud or to a portable hard drive. This will free up space on your phone and also make it faster.

19. Keep Your Desk Organized

Whether you work from home or go to an office, keeping your personal work space organized is key to productivity. Keep your desktop clear of clutter by using an organizer or keeping important items in the desk.

20. Clean Out Your Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets

Go through your cabinets and toss anything that has expired and make sure to replenish the necessary items. For more tips on how to get your home organized, read this post.

Becoming organized doesn’t have to be hard and time-consuming. By simply adding a few extra steps to your daily routine, you can get organized quickly without even thinking about it.

We would love to hear any tips you have that help you organize your life. Let us know in the comments below.

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